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10" Buffing Wheels

Part # Description
WL10 10" Blue buffing wheel for cutting
WL20 10" Orange buffing wheel for colouring
WL40 10" White/Purple buffing wheel for colouring
WL50 10" Yellow/Orange buffing wheel for cutting
60-10 10" White buffing wheel for finishing
WL70-10 10" 16-ply Domet Flannel buffing wheel for finishing
80-10 10" Green buffing wheel for rough work
83-10 10" Purple buffing wheel #60 cotton special mill
98150-10 10" Yellow buffing wheel for cutting and finishing

We recommend this grinder for these buffing wheels (the best 3,000 RPM max polishing machine for pros and beginners) 

It is highly recommended that you use a full face respirator mask when metal polishing!